
They make it worthwhile

The little dog went round and around in the endless apartment, almost as he had to touch every part of the air, every inch of the floor in fear of not having appreciated the opportunity to the fullest. The room seemed timeless, the walls spoke of many lifetimes and the water stain in the ceiling was too honest to be in the way. She felt calm underneath it. The whole house made her calm, it felt mighty and wise, and she always felt secure in the presence of overwhelming things.

They filled the room with dreams, the future, love. She found a friend in her that made the word thankful lose all significance. And she smiled all the way home, home to the friend in her mailbox.

Have you ever thought about the people in your life? Have you ever stopped in the middle of a street and realized how blessed you are for the people in your life? Have you ever gotten shivers down your spine thinking about how you are the luckiest person in the world to have those people in your life?

Have you? No but, have you really?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves.